Peterborough Mr. Sub U15 AE Petes - Leadership Award, News, U15 AE, 2021-2022, Rep (Peterborough Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 13, 2022 | Michael McGinn | 119 views
Peterborough Mr. Sub U15 AE Petes - Leadership Award
This year the Peterborough Mr. Sub U15 AE team were fortunate enough to have a few players that were in the running for the Leadership Award.  These players made their presence known both on ice and off and some of them even proved that you do not need to wear a letter on your jersey to be a leader.

This season the coaches would like to recognize a player that always shows up prepared to play, whether it is a game or a practice.  This player brings a positive attitude to the rink and loves playing the game.  Through their play they motivate their teammates to be better and keep improving.  During games and practices this player leads by example bringing a focus and drive to compete at their best and the highest level they can.  They are always striving to improve their skills. 

This player also has a voice in the dressing room, often speaking up and saying what needs to be said.  On the bench they are a positive influence, giving praise to their fellow teammates for hard work in good times and bad.  They are a compassionate player that truly cares about their teammates and is always willing to lend a hand when ever needed.  This player wears their heart on their sleeve and is the foundation our team is built on.  

The winner of this award will be revealed later this evening!