Budd Wealth Mgmt Atom Select 47s, News, Atom RS, 2017-2018, S (Peterborough Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 22, 2018 | bswales | 1221 views
Budd Wealth Mgmt Atom Select 47s
Budd Wealth Mgmt Atom Select 47s won the Frank Sabatino Memorial Hockey Tournament. 

It was an intense weekend of hockey with many shots but few touching the net. The team never gave up and after 3 games went on to the semi finals. 

It was an intense semi final game against the Oakville Ice Raiders. With Daniel Swales scoring in the last minute of the game for the win. The crowd went wild!

Onto to the finals against the New Market Redmen. The game went back and forth over 3 periods ending in a tie. Now to sudden death overtime 4 on 4. With a penalty against the 47s at no fault of the players we got regrouped for a 4 on 3 short handed 2 minutes. Mason Nancarrow with an urge to end the game quickly for a bathroom break runs away with a breakaway end to end through 4 opposing players to soundly and easily find the net for the win with just over 3 mins left in the period. The team flew off the bench, sticks and gloves flying everywhere. The team tackled each other into a pile of champions.

MVP from the tournament was given to Mason Nancarrow.

The officials could not remember the last time Peterborough was at the tournament. Way to represent boys your name will be on the trophy for years to come. Such a great accomplishment.
